Dates on food may not necessarily mean the exact day the product goes bad. Find out the difference between open dating and closed dating on food packaging.
As you build a lovely cheese board with all the accouterments for your next gathering, avoid this error that could affect the flavor -- and presentation.
So you've got a ton of leftovers -- or you've just cooked a big meal and you don't know what you'll do with everything left uneaten. We've got some ideas.
It can be tempting to throw away fresh herbs that are past their prime, but there's a better (and less wasteful) way. Air-drying herbs is easier than you think.
Sure, you keep your fridge set to 40 F and wipe down the shelves regularly. But do you know where everything should be inside the fridge for optimum safety?
The joy of uncorking wine is only matched by the agony of trying to get the cork back into the bottle afterward. But fret not, there's an easy solution.
Tupperware is great for storing food and other items, and its durable too. But it can start to smell after a while. Here's a hack to get yours fresh again.
Bagels can keep for a while in the freezer. Here's how long they'll stay fresh for, as well as how to cook them properly once you're ready to eat them.
Fish can harbor a strong, somewhat unpleasant aroma when they aren't handled or frozen properly. Here's the one tip you should know before freezing fish.
You can learn a lot about a person by the way they organize and run their kitchen. In our survey, we ask what's the most common method for storing garlic.
If you prioritize convenience, canned goods are right up your alley. However, it's important to remember that canned goods can break down the can itself.
Rice is a staple ingredient for many meals and recipes, but do you know that brown and white rice last for different lengths of time and need different storage?
You may be tempted to squeeze that ketchup that's been sitting in the back of your fridge on your burger, but before you do you may want to know if it's safe.
Do you need to thaw frozen coffee beans before use? If you're someone who likes to hoard exclusive Starbucks releases, you might be interested to find out.
If your apartment's not cartwheel-friendly, then you might want to consider Rachael Ray's tiny kitchen hack. Here's how to make the most out of a small space.