Yes, You Can Eat Green Beans Raw (But Here's What To Know First)
We love crunchy, crisp green beans, but the problem is, once they are cooked, they tend to be transformed into a limp, lifeless former version of their fresh self. It's not fun to admit, but green beans cooked in water or steamed are difficult to get right. There are so many simple mistakes too many people make when cooking green beans. But if you have ever considered whether or not you can eat them raw rather than in that green bean casserole recipe your mom makes during the holidays, the answer is yes, you can. However, there are a couple of caveats to keep in mind.
First, your green veggies need to be washed just like you would before cooking them. And if you have a sensitive tummy, beware. Eating them raw may cause an upset stomach due to the high amount of a protein called lectin. While it is deactivated when you cook your green beans, for some, it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain when these beans are not cooked. So make sure to keep this in mind when deciding just how much of these raw veggies you want to consume — this is one green veggie you don't want to go overboard on.
Get rid of the stems
Once you get past the digestive issues uncooked green beans can ignite, there is one more thing you want to do before you start chomping down on them. You need to remove their stems. Those little, twig-like stems that hold this vegetable on the plant are tough and fibrous. They do not taste good; so just snip them off with a pair of kitchen shears and save your mouth the trouble. Once you do this, you are in business to chow down.
Navigating the obstacles of eating raw green beans can reap great benefits. Where cooking can decrease some of the nutrients and oxidants they contain, eating them raw keeps all the goodness intact. You can add raw green beans to a crudité and dip them in your favorite ranch dressing. You and your guests will love the snappy and sweet bite. You can also marinate them and add them to a green salad or a potato salad Niçoise recipe. The taste difference will be worth it.