The Blended Veggie That Makes For An Unexpectedly Versatile Dip Base

If you regularly enjoy second and third helpings of creamy buffalo chicken dip or classic French onion dip at gatherings, you definitely appreciate the distinct taste and creamy consistency of these classic snacks. Yet the end result is often a stomach full of melted cheese and sour cream which may leave you feeling uncomfortably full. While there's nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite dips, what if there was a reliable way to make more flavorful dips out of pureed veggies? Sweet potatoes are mild in flavor and give off just a hint of sweetness, making them the perfect vegetable to pair with spicy, savory, and salty ingredients.

Sweet potatoes are starchy tuber vegetables that provide the body with solid sources of fiber, beta carotene, potassium, and vitamin C. Since these veggies are high in fiber, they're guaranteed to keep your belly satisfied. Sweet potatoes' naturally starchy makeup also makes them the perfect canvas for all your favorite dips due to their extra creamy consistency when cooked. Besides steaming, you can bake or roast sweet potatoes for additional flavor. Once you decide how you want to cook these flavorful, vibrant spuds, sweet potatoes become the perfect feel-good base for a multitude of flavorful dips.

How to transform sweet potatoes into appetizing snack dips

When it comes to cooking sweet potatoes to make tasty dips, you have more than one preparation method to consider. While steaming or boiling these veggies until fork tender is an obvious option, you can also bake sweet potatoes in two ways. To retain sweet potatoes' moisture, bake them whole on a foil lined baking sheet. Alternatively, chop sweet potatoes into even cubes and roast them to develop their flavor by way of caramelization. With the latter method, use some of your favorite seasonings and get creative by including chopped garlic or sliced onion to your roasting pan.

Once fork tender and slightly cooled, blend sweet potatoes with various ingredients in a food processor or high-powered blender until smooth. This step is where you cultivate the base flavors of your dip. Beyond blending sweet potatoes solo or with roasted garlic and onion, include other creamy ingredients such as Greek yogurt, tahini, and citrus juice. Next to the usual salt and pepper, add smoky flavorful spices like cumin, smoked paprika, and even chili powder. To give your sweet potato dip an extra spicy kick, add a bit of cayenne pepper. Upon creating the base, you have a multitude of options for adding just the right amount texture and crunch.

Elevate sweet potato dip with vibrant, flavorful toppings

Once you've perfected the base of your dip, exercise your culinary creativity by including a select combination of delicious toppings. Upgrade the texture of this creamy appetizer by adding in some chopped roasted nuts, sesame seeds, or toasted bread crumbs. Add in some protein by making sweet potato dip with toasted pecans and bacon which gives a savory bite and distinct heartiness. A small pour of robust olive oil also adds a nice finishing touch. If you want to give this sweet potato mix a brighter flavor, include some chopped herbs like parsley, cilantro, or dill. Fresh herbs not only enhance the taste of your dip, but they add a nice pop of color as well.

Once you feel comfortable making savory options, try your hand at making sweeter dip variations. Did you know you can easily turn sweet potatoes into dessert with a toasted marshmallow sauce? By blending cooked sweet potato with ingredients like brown sugar, allspice, and marshmallow creme, you'll have a deliciously sweet dip in no time. On the other hand, use ingredients like almond butter and apple juice for a more wholesome variation. 

Whether you're making a salty and savory option for your next charcuterie board or the perfect accompaniment for dipping old-fashioned graham crackers, sweet potatoes are a nutritious vegetable that can be made into a wide assortment of tasty dips.