This Crouton Replacement Gives A Lighter Crunch To Any Salad

No matter how delish a salad might be, it needs a little crunch to bring it all together. Croutons can give your greens that crispy element, but if you are searching for something a little different, perhaps even lighter to the bite, you may want to try the Lebanese pita bread known as khubz. If you have ever eaten Fattoush salad, you've experienced khubz. 

It originated with Lebanese farmers who subscribed to the waste not, want not philosophy and would add scraps of leftover pita to a salad — which consisted of whatever veggies might be in season — to use them up. Khubz is made with simple ingredients: flour, salt, yeast, and water, and has a slight sweetness to it. When it is cut up or torn apart and toasted, it has a thin, cracker-like consistency that makes it perfect for salads. But there is one thing you want to do before you toast it and add it to your salad.

Make certain to season your pita

Unlike croutons, which can be hard, dry, and not fun to chew, khubz is light and delicate like a chip. But it is important to note that this pita bread tastes better if you season it with a little salt and pepper before you pop it in the oven. If you want to really spice things up, sprinkle a little garlic powder over them or whatever herbs might amplify the taste of your salad. It takes just about 10 minutes at 350 degrees for the pita to crisp up and it can be added to your salad when it's warm. 

You will love how the crispness of this flatbread tastes with the bits of your tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and whatever veggies or fruit you like to eat with your salad. As an added benefit, TikTok has a take on Fattoush that is deliciously modern. If you don't want to dirty a fork, you can use the toasted khubz to scoop up your salad. Of course, you want to make certain all of your ingredients are chopped up into bite-size pieces if you plan on using this trick. 

How to make it your own

If you love this change-up but aren't certain how it fits into your favorite salad recipe, here are a few ideas. Some fresh rosemary and thyme sprinkled onto your torn-up pita chips will add a woodsy, sweet, citrus, and peppery taste that enhances the already sweet nature of this pita. This combo is perfect for an orange and avocado salad or a roasted beet and orange salad. A chicken Caesar salad could benefit from a toasted pita bread that is brushed with roasted garlic. 

If you are making a fruit salad and want to add a little crunch to it, consider sprinkling a little cinnamon and sugar onto those pita pieces before you toast them. The sugary and spicy notes will complement the already sweet fruit, while the crunch will add that added layer of texture that sends this salad out of the ballpark.