The Mistake That's Ruining The Look Of Your Tequila Sunrise

Grenadine, orange juice, and tequila create a perfect sunrise in a glass; however, to get the presentation of a tequila sunrise cocktail is all about layers and pouring the ingredients so that you get the burst of color permeating from the bottom to the top of this drink as you slowly sip it. But if you find your drink doesn't have the appearance of orange and yellow rising from a pool of red at the bottom of your glass, chances are you've made a critical faux pas.

If you are stirring all three ingredients of your tequila sunrise, stop. The trick to making a tequila cocktail that isn't a margarita is to pour your orange juice and tequila over ice and stir the two ingredients together. The pomegranate syrup, also known as grenadine, is on the thicker side and should sink to the bottom of your glass when you add it to help create that sunrise effect. To ensure this happens, pour the grenadine as close to the side of the glass as possible. When it comes to a tequila sunrise, you do not want a pink drink!

Use a spoon to pour your grenadine

You can also use the back of a spoon if you don't trust your pouring skills. Place your utensil so the convex side faces you and touches the side of the glass. Slowly pour your grenadine right onto the center of the back of the spoon, and it will drip down the sides so you do not spoil your orange sunrise. However you choose to add your grenadine, just don't pour it right in the middle of your drink or it may look more like a gender reveal cocktail for newly expectant parents.

Why does the grenadine sink to the bottom of your glass? The answer is rather elementary. This fruity syrup is sugar-heavy, meaning the syrup is much denser than the tequila and orange juice used to make your tequila sunrise. Allowing it to settle to the bottom of your glass and not disturbing it will give you the desired presentation you are hoping for.

How to make it for a crowd

When making a pitcher of tequila sunrise for a crowd, use a 1-to-2 ratio of tequila to orange juice. If you want a tamer cocktail, use a little more juice and boost it to a 1-to-3 ratio. And don't forget the ice. The grenadine can be added to each glass as you pour it to get those lovely layers. You can also add it to the pitcher, but as you pour the cocktail, you may find some of the drinks start looking a little more pink, and everyone isn't going to get the same amount of syrup.

A tequila sunrise cocktail is perfect for sipping on when you are noshing on nachos made in your smoker or making some of your favorite recipes for Taco Tuesday. Just don't forget the garnishes for your drinks. Those orange slices and cherries are not only tasty but add a nice pop of color to your drink's presentation.