Use Up That Big Tub Of Cottage Cheese In Your Next Loaf Cake

For those of us who buy cottage cheese on the regular, we know there are more ways to down this nutritious creamy staple other than eating a few spoonfuls with a side of berries for breakfast. Among the ways to use cottage cheese, more and more creativity regarding the consumption of this curd-heavy cheese has been cropping up as of late, thanks to social media. Sure enough, "cottage cheese" has more than 650 million views on TikTok alone. And many millennials and Gen Z-ers are subbing this neutral cheese for dairy products that have a higher fat content.

No one is arguing against the health benefits of cottage cheese. With every half-cup serving, you get more than 10 grams of protein and a significant dose of essential vitamins, including calcium, riboflavin, and vitamin B12. However, if you're someone who genuinely enjoys the flavor of cottage cheese and wishes it wasn't rebranded as a trend-worthy way to enjoy decadent foods with more of a nutritious flair, you may want to consider adding this soft cheese to your next homemade loaf cake. 

Loaf cakes are essentially known for their simple ingredient list of butter, eggs, flour, sugar, and baking powder. However, these neutral cakes can be dressed up and down with varying ingredients. If you want your love of cottage cheese to shine through your favorite confections, a loaf cake might be the best place to start.

How to make a loaf cake with cottage cheese

If you're looking to upgrade your lemon loaf cake recipe with cottage cheese instead of ricotta, you won't be disappointed. When you add this protein-rich alternative to a simple loaf cake, not only are you giving your beloved cottage cheese a chance to shine, but this simple swap will also give your dessert a satisfying level of moisture. The addition of tart lemon balances the creaminess of this soft, runny cheese.

For those who want to make a cake where cottage cheese serves as the star of the show, you may want to try your hand at making a minced lemon cake recipe. Instead of using lemon zest, finely diced lemon slices are added to the batter to give your resulting confection a more complex texture. Adding a sizable amount of cottage cheese to this neutral base of ingredients allows its creamy texture and flavor to shine through the delightful notes of vanilla and lemon. 

Now that you know how to make a loaf cake solely dedicated to cottage cheese, you may want to supersede the boundaries of your culinary skills and use cottage cheese to make a wider variety of cakes.

What other types of cake pair well with cottage cheese?

Using a cup of cottage cheese to make a delectable loaf cake is far from extreme when you consider the fact that TikTok has released a bizarre cottage cheese ice cream recipe. While cottage cheese continues to have its moment in the spotlight, this might be a good time to take advantage of all the creative ways to use cottage cheese in your favorite baked treats. For cottage cheese fans hoping to find more uses for their sizable tub of neutral-flavored cheese, the fun doesn't stop at loaf cakes. 

While substituting cottage cheese for ricotta in certain cheesecake recipes is often ill-advised, there are a few different ways to make homemade protein-packed cheesecake with the delightful addition of cottage cheese. To make cottage cheese-based cheesecake, you usually need to rely on a few other key ingredients, including Greek yogurt and a bit of flour, for this cake variety to have a similar texture to cream cheese. With these essential extras, plus the blending capabilities of your food processor, you can make a new variety of cheesecake in no time. 

If you're open to a hybrid-type cheesecake, with the addition of extra butter and flour, you don't need extra dairy products, such as yogurt or sour cream. With enough flour and eggs, you can make a delightful cross between loaf cake and cheesecake with cottage cheese posing as a delicious central component.