A Glass Cup Is The Genius Way To Peel Kiwis Without Tools

One of the benefits of having copious amounts of fresh produce available at supermarkets is the accessibility to all kinds of delicious fruit, even when the varieties you have a hankering for aren't exactly in season. While kiwi fruits are typically harvested in the winter months, they are usually available at least eight months out of the year at neighborhood grocery stores. If you happen to find yourself in the midst of a blazing hot summer day and want to make your children a kid's tropical sparkler for an extra vitamin boost, you may need a convenient way to peel and slice this fuzzy green fruit quickly.

While eating that brown hairy skin is perfectly safe and actually quite nutritious, some prefer removing it before diving into a bowl of fresh kiwi fruit. As it turns out, if you can't find your trusted peeler, a drinking glass may be the next best thing to help you get the job done in a flash. Even though using a glass or cup with a fine edge may initially seem like an unexpected recommendation when slicing kiwi, it's actually quite effective, especially if you don't want to use extra kitchen tools.

How to peel kiwi fruit with a drinking glass

When you need to peel a bunch of kiwis for your next round of kiwi-watermelon and peach ice pops, there are actually a handful of methods you're probably already familiar with. You can slice off kiwi skin using a bread knife, you can use a basic spoon, or even put your vegetable peeler to work along with some smooth maneuvering to separate the juicy green flesh. However, with these peeling methods, you'll need to have these kitchen tools at your disposal.

Apart from these more technical methods, however, you can use your everyday drinking glass if you don't want to risk slicing your finger or poking your hand with the back end of a spoon. In order to use the glass cup method, first cut the ends off the kiwi fruit and then slice your kiwi directly down the middle. Then, take half the kiwi and place the edge of the glass where the fuzzy skin meets the inner fruit. With an even amount of pressure, push the fruit slowly down the edge of the glass. Not only will the kiwi fall directly into the glass, but the cup will also conveniently catch any residual fruit juice (kiwi juice, anyone?). Not only is this method fast and effective, but it also doesn't require any sharp or pesky kitchen utensils. Now that you know why using a drinking glass may be the most convenient kiwi-peeling method, how can you tell when a kiwi is ripe enough to be peeled in the first place?

How to get the most out of your kiwi in terms of storage and nutrition

If you're in need of extra vitamins, you can certainly benefit from adding a handful of ripe kiwis to your daily eats. These little tropical fruits provide your body with significant amounts of vitamins C, E, and K, along with copper, and potassium. Not only are you loading up with all of those vitamins and minerals, but kiwis also help to improve sleep and support heart health and healthy digestion. However healthy they may be, chomping down on kiwi fruit won't be enjoyable if they aren't ripe. To make sure your kiwi is ready to benefit from the glass method and be consumed, press into the whole fruit with your thumb. Ripe fruit will feel a tad soft, but if it feels mushy, it is overripe. Avoid hard kiwis as these aren't quite ready to be eaten yet.

Make sure to think twice before you decide it's time to peel your kiwi though — unripe whole kiwis stored in the refrigerator can last up to four weeks,  while peeled and sliced kiwi only lasts a few days in cold storage, so make sure you're only peeling kiwis you're ready to eat. But once you're ready, you simply need to pull out your nearest cup and show off your newest party trick.