Transform Leftover Twix Bars With An Unexpected Cheesy Twist

A Twix bar by itself can be a tasty treat, but if you have more than enough left over from the Easter bunny or after trick or treating, the novelty can wear off. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make use of extra Twix bars without having to throw them away. One of the most common approaches is to chop them up and mix them into cookie doughor cake batter. You can also blend them with ice cream to make a sundae or milkshake.

Though it makes the most sense to substitute chopped up Twix bars for chocolate chips, a Twix bar is actually much more versatile, because it's also made up of cookie and caramel in addition to chocolate. In fact, according to the brand itself, Twix can easily be transformed into apple pie bars, granola bars, and flavored coffee. Most of these options are still pretty sugary, but Twix can also take on a savory flavor when paired with an unexpected ingredient: cheese.

Twix and cheese go together better than you'd expect

Most people pair chocolate with fruit like strawberries or bananas, but saltier foods like roasted peanuts and pretzels are also popular accompaniments. As for cheese, however, it probably isn't the first thing you'd think to eat with a Twix bar. But as it turns out, if you slap a slice on top, the mellow chocolate brings out the sweetness of the mildly salty cheese and vice versa, ultimately creating a delicious balance of the two. Think of it like the cheese and fruit combos usually included on a charcuterie board, such as apples with cheddar or pear and manchego.

Still not convinced? Well, chances are it's because you've never tasted chocolate santafereño. Common in Colombia, chocolate santafereño is essentially hot chocolate with cheese melted in. The result is a sweet and savory drink with a flavor profile similar to what you get when you eat Twix with cheese.

What is the best cheese to pair with Twix?

The cheese used in chocolate santafereño is typically queso campesino, queso doble crema, or queso Oaxaca, but in a pinch, mozzarella is an acceptable substitution. You can realistically eat any of these cheeses with a Twix bar, but for best results, ACS-certified cheese professional Michelle Molier shared with The Kitchn that a semi-firm young goat gouda is the ideal pairing (she prefers a honey-washed variety for extra sweetness). Young goudas are still fudgy with a cheesy saltiness, but also have a slightly sweet flavor that isn't as sharp as firmer goudas that are aged for years. Two varieties of younger goat goudas are Brabander and Beemster goat cheeses, which are ready to grace your charcuterie board after only a handful of months.

The rule of thumb when combining cheese and chocolate is to not pick one ingredient that will completely overpower the taste of the other. If you combined Twix with a strong blue cheese, for example, you might not be able to taste the milder chocolate, caramel, and shortbread. Dark chocolate Twix can be tasty with aged cheeses, but if you're using regular Twix, the milk chocolate goes best with soft, creamy cheeses with nuttier notes. Molier even advocates for gently melting a sliver over your candy bar to really meld the flavors together.