Where Is Everything Legendary From Shark Tank Today?

Most omnivores know that when opting for plant-based over beef burgers, there will be definite flavor and texture differences between the two options. Finding a solid-tasting meat alternative is of high importance for many consumers. While you have the option of whipping up one of the best veggie burger recipes, purchasing one of the many packaged varieties available is also a tempting alternative. Yet with so many products to choose from, securing a one-of-a-kind veggie burger with exceptional flavor can be a difficult feat. That's why Duane Cheers became determined to start a vegan burger business with his best friends, Danita Claytor, Jumoke Jackson, and Vincent Parker in 2019. And two years after the founders' "Shark Tank" appearance, the company is still thriving.

Cheers told VoyageBaltimore that what spurred his vegan burger business was his mother's adoption of a healthier lifestyle after countless years battling lupus. Everything Legendary rests on the promise that the brand's meat-free burgers are formulated by an actual chef. You might remember Cheers calling his unique product the "Kobe beef" of tasty meat-free alternatives during the company's "Shark Tank" pitch in 2021. Before appearing on the popular ABC show, Everything Legendary had sold $165,000 worth of veggie burgers within the previous year. The new entrepreneurs were hopeful the Sharks would be after more than just a bite of their budding plant-based business.

What did the Sharks think of Everything Legendary?

There may be valid reasons you need to stop cooking plant-based meat like real meat. But at the end of the day, a solid veggie burger is one to hold onto, regardless of cooking logistics. Everything Legendary was determined to take its veggie burger business to the next level on "Shark Tank." Duane Cheers, Jumoke Jackson, and Danita Taylor pitched their business to the Sharks on Season 12, Episode 15, hoping for a deal in the amount of $300,000 for 10% of their business.

While every judge had a positive reaction upon taste tasting the Everything Legendary burgers, many were wary of the cost difference between these tasty alternatives and their in-store competitors. While no exact number was given, investor Barbara Corcoran believed they were priced 30% higher than most other veggie burger brands.

Founder Duane Cheers defended the price when discussing the quality of the product. Everything Legendary burgers are made with no artificial preservatives, hemp protein, beet extract, and coconut oil, but what sets these burgers apart lies in the special seasoning. After some negotiation, the new business owners struck a deal with Mark Cuban for $300,000 for 22% of their business.

What happened to Everything Legendary after Shark Tank?

The key to cooking plant-based meat may be minding the salt, but consumers seemed to be on board with the level of seasoning in Everything Legendary's products after the company's "Shark Tank" debut. Within only one day after appearing on "Shark Tank," Duane Cheers and his colleagues sold $250,000 worth of veggie burgers. Not only was Mark Cuban able to help the growing company increase online sales traffic, but production was also boosted substantially after the brand's on-screen debut.

Despite the successful deal made with Cuban on "Shark Tank," Cheers and his unconventional attempts to get stores and businesses to notice Everything Legendary products made a huge difference in spreading the word about his company's tasty offerings. By pitching his products directly to stores, he developed a rapport with many employees across the nation and was able to get his products in retail freezers across America. 

By the end of 2021, Everything Legendary was already being sold in 1,400 stores. With a solid deal from Cuban and their steadfast entrepreneurial spirit, Everything Legendary's employees set their sights on store expansion and new products.

Did Everything Legendary continue to grow?

The Everything Legendary team's work ethic and sincere dedication to getting their flavorful products into multiple stores quickly caught the attention of additional investors. In early 2022, the Black-owned business received a total of $6 million from major companies including CircleUp Growth Partners and General Mills. CircleUp was convinced the brand's one-of-a-kind vegan burger with plant-based cheese was unique enough to impact the plant-based market on a larger scale. More importantly, CircleUp believed the company had the ability to develop more flavorful veg-friendly products.

Duane Cheers and his team of employees have yet to disappoint their investors. The additional financial backing propelled this growing company to further expand its retail market presence and develop an additional product. Shortly after their "Shark Tank" appearance, Cheers and his team of employees added 12-ounce packages of plant-based ground "meat" to their line of cheese-infused burgers. 

And in late 2022, this dedicated team debuted another new and exciting product. Vegans far and wide no longer have to abstain from chicken wings — Everything Legendary released a new plant-based "chicken" product called Dragon Wyngz. Reminiscent of classic chicken nuggets, Dragon Wyngz are currently available in three flavors, including one extra-spicy variety. Even though Cheers and his employees have been working hard to release new products, the company continues to expand its retail footprint.

Where is Everything Legendary now?

Beyond debuting new products, the Everything Legendary team continues to make moves to increase brand awareness. In June 2022, Live Nation Entertainment invested in the Black-owned business, making Everything Legendary burgers the primary option for plant-based foodies at national concert venues. This countrywide exposure, in addition to the additional funding from CircleUp and General Mills, has allowed the company to focus more acutely on store expansion.

In early 2023, Everything Legendary gained freezer space in more than 1,000 Kroger stores across the country. As of July, the booming company has plans to expand to 850 additional Publix locations in states including North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. Everything Legendary is now available online and in major retailers including Kroger, Whole Foods, Target, and Walmart.

Next to the company's outward growth, the founders of Everything Legendary remain committed to increasing the availability of their plant-based products to the greater Black community. In early 2023, Everything Legendary partnered with two historically Black universities to make the brand's plant-based products part of the available meal offerings on campus. Now that the popular company has gained a positive reputation nationwide, Everything Legendary has the ability and financial security to continue to build its existing product line.