The Pan To Give Your Fluffy Pancakes The Crispiest Edges

Making pancakes isn't rocket science, but making them well does require some basic cooking knowledge and, perhaps even more important, the right tools. Before you even begin your search for the ultimate pancake recipe, you should first consider what pan you'll use, especially if you love crispy edges. If you've only used a classic non-stick pan or griddle, it might be time to break out grandma's old-school cast iron pan.

While making pancakes with a cast iron pan will take a little longer than a non-stick pan or griddle, it will help create a fluffy interior and maximize crispiness. The secret to the cast iron pan's effectiveness is its weight and ability to hold heat. The other trick is to add a little extra fat, which will fry the sides of the pancakes, creating a crispy, caramelized crust. With proper heat control, the interior will have time to cook through, rise, and become fluffy, giving you the best of both worlds.

How to use a cast iron pan to make the best pancakes

Using a cast iron pan can take a little more time than a classic griddle or non-stick pan because it needs to heat up before you add batter. 5-10 minutes on medium heat should do the trick; never use a hotter setting because the pan will hold onto the heat and burn your pancakes. Check your pan by adding a drop of water to the surface, it should shimmer and disappear, not evaporate immediately.

Once the pan is ready, you will add a small amount of fat to lubricate the pan. Add your favorite pancake batter slowly and leave room for the crisping magic to happen. Once you see the sides begin to set and bubbles start appearing in the center, add a tablespoon or so of butter. You want enough butter to come up the sides of the pancakes slightly. If you set the heat right, the butter will bubble, frying the edges of your pancakes. Repeat on the other side. Feel free to test one pancake first so you don't ruin the whole batch. We all know that the first pancake is so often a throwaway. If you time everything right, the center will rise and cook through while the sides crisp up from the butter.

More tips for the best pancakes ever

Making perfect pancakes in a cast iron pan takes practice but you can stack the deck in your favor in several ways. Always make sure your cast iron pan is well-seasoned as this creates a non-stick surface. Some come pre-seasoned while others need a few trips through an oven coated with a neutral oil — check your manufacturer's info if you are unsure.

When preparing the batter, one of the worst pancake mistakes you can make is using old ingredients. You will not get fluffy pancakes with a light interior if you are using expired baking powder. Also, don't overmix your batter, whether it's from scratch or a mix. Overmixing will result in chewy, dense pancakes that also will not rise correctly. Finally, leave room in the pan; this will help them cook evenly and achieve crispy edges. It will also make flipping the pancakes easier.