A vertical shot of an icecream cone with chocolate dripping on a blue background
Where Is The Drip Drop From Shark Tank Today?
By Camryn Teder
Woman in sunglasses holding up an ice cream cone
High school entrepreneurs Oliver Greenwald and Sam Nassif invented The Drip Drop, an edible add-on for your cone that keeps it from melting all over your hand. They came to “Shark Tank” in 2016 with their product and scored a deal with Barbara Corcoran for $50,000 in exchange for 33.3% of the company, so where is The Drip Drop now?
Two boys in dress shirts and bow ties
Despite their ambition and Barbara’s offer, the company struggled financially and was not able to fully make it off the ground. Since they had no established sales, they faced hardships when pitching their product to ice cream manufacturers, and the loss in licensing meant the
deal with Corcoran never closed.
Two boys standing beside each other with the one on the right holding an ice cream cone
Soon after the Kickstarter campaign ended in 2019, The Drip Drop stopped posting on all of its social media accounts and Greenwald left the company soon after. While Nassif stayed with the company, nothing appears to have come of it, but as one of the youngest teams to go on "Shark Tank," we'd still consider this duo's efforts a success.