A high angle shot of sourdough in a banneton basket
What Is A Banneton Basket And Will It Improve Your Homemade Bread?
By Dainius Vaitiekunas
Proofing is the final and most delicate step in the bread making process before baking, during which dough sometimes doubles or triples in size. If you’d like to get a loaf with an ultra-thick crust and a chewy crumb full of delightful air pockets, you’ll need a proofing basket, also known as a banneton basket, to keep the dough in shape during the process.
Dough can be quite delicate when it expands due to fermentation, especially with fluffier bread varieties, so the basket becomes an important component in not disturbing the dough and giving the bread the desired shape. The basket provides adequate air circulation as well, creating prime conditions for your bread as it grows.
The dough can be easily flipped from the basket into the baking pan, and a thin layer of flour will form on the basket through continuous use without washing, which lends it its nonstick quality. Taking care of the basket is simple, as all you need to do is brush off excess flour and store it in a dry, well-ventilated place.