Packs of the chocolate-covered wafer biscuit bar KitKat brand are displayed in the showroom of Swiss food giant's Nestle on October 20, 2016 in Vevey.

Sales of Swiss food giant Nestle rose slightly in the first 9 months of 2016, in a "more sluggish" environment, which led the group to strongly revise downwards its expectations for the full 2016 year. According to a statement released October 20, the group recorded a one-percent increase in sales over the first nine months of 2016 to 65,500,000,000 francs (60 billion euros). / AFP / FABRICE COFFRINI        (Photo credit should read FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)
The Reason British Kit Kats Taste Better Than America's
By Gregory Lovvorn
In a Kit Kat taste test performed by the International World of Snacks, over 60% of participants preferred the taste of the European candy over its U.S. counterpart. Although the basic construction — chocolate-covered wafer cookies — is the same, American Kit Kats and their U.K. cousins aren’t identical.
British law mandates that milk chocolate must contain a minimum of 25% cocoa solids, but the U.S. FDA only requires American companies to use 10% chocolate liquor. The difference is made up with sugar and fillers, and less pure cocoa means less chocolatey goodness and more sweetness.
The candy bar was created in 1911 by a York confectioner called Rowntree's, and Nestle launched it in the U.K. as the “Chocolate Crisp” in 1935. In 1970, Rowntree's struck a deal with Hershey’s for the manufacturing and distribution rights of Kit Kats in the U.S., and even though Nestle bought out Rowntree's in 1988, it was legally bound to honor Hershey's exclusive rights.