The Best Type Of Knife To Use For Cutting Cake Layers
By Allie Sivak
A serrated knife is a must-have tool for cutting cakes into even layers without smashing and compacting their delicate, airy crumb structures and textures.
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Compared to a smooth chef's knife, which relies on downward force and pressure to cut, a serrated knife has jagged or scalloped edges and employs a gentle sawing motion.
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Any bread knife with sharp, ridged edges will do the cake-cutting job well. If you don't already own a serrated knife, you can buy a good serrated bread knife for $25 or less.
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To create your cake layers, remove your baked and cooled cake from its pan, invert it onto a stable cutting board or work surface, and place it on a flat base.
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When cutting the cake into two even layers, use one hand to hold your knife perpendicularly to yourself while you stabilize the base of the cake with your other hand.
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Use the edge of your knife to outline the edge of the cutting area and make a framework for an even cut, then gently saw the cake in half horizontally until you have two layers.
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If your cake top is rounded, remove the top with your serrated knife to create a flat surface using the same sawing motion before creating your cake layers.
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