Pepperoni pizza with a slice taken out with appetizing cheese pull
How To Prep Fresh Mozzarella To Avoid Soggy Homemade Pizza
By Linda Larsen
Homemade pizza is not difficult to make, and once you master the dough, you can experiment with the cheese. Mozzarella cheese makes for a classic pizza with its smooth melt, mild flavor that doesn’t compete with other toppings, and that fabulous cheese pull when you take a bite.
Stored in brine, water, or whey, fresh mozzarella is soft and full of moisture, which results in a damp crust and a horrible texture, and it won't brown as well in the oven. To avoid this, dry it by taking it out of the liquid and slicing it into thin pieces so as to expose more surface area, before finally letting it sit on a kitchen towel or paper towel for about 25 to 30 minutes.
You can also use another towel to absorb moisture from the tops of the slices, or you can put thinly sliced cheese into a strainer over a bowl, refrigerate it for a few hours, and pat it dry. For best results, you can also combine it with some shredded low-moisture mozzarella that has less liquid and is aged for a few weeks, which also gives it more longevity.