In a sauté pan, sauté the lobster and shrimp with salt, black pepper, and granulated garlic. Cook until the shrimp turns pink in color, about 5 minutes. Drain liquid from the seafood and let it cool.
Chop the cooked lobster and shrimp into small chunks.
In a separate mixing bowl, add the mayonnaise, chopped onions, chopped garlic, paprika, and lime juice. Mix thoroughly. Fold the chopped lobster and shrimp into the mayonnaise mix, making sure to keep the seafood intact and that the mayonnaise is evenly distributed.
Cut a small slice of the avocado halves from the bottom so that it can rest on a plate. Score the inside of each avocado half and add ¼ (or 1/6 if you choose to use 3 avocados) of shrimp and lobster salad mix into the halves. Garnish with plaintain chips.