Keri Glassman's Healthy Lifestyle Tips

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Nutrition expert Keri Glassman thinks we've been doing it all wrong when it comes to dieting. And in her new book The New You (and Improved) Diet she tries to take the emphasis away from just food and exercise, and instead craft eight rules around a fuller, healthier lifestyle. "First of all, only one of the rules relates directly to food," she says. "So I really talk about in this book how all of these lifestyle factors not only effect your weight, but your overall health, and your happiness and if you don't pay attention to those factors like sleep and stress — we know they're important, but if you don't pay as much attention to them as food and exercise, not only are you not going to lose weight but you're not going to keep it off."


Glassman says fad diets and extreme regimens miss the point. Using sleep as an example, she shows how that one factor can impact a diet that doesn't even consider it. "When you sleep your hormones are balanced to actually help you lose weight the next day," she says. "When you don't sleep well your hunger hormones increase and you eat more the next day. You eat more the next day, you're low-energy, you might not go to the gym, you might feel bad about yourself, and you might eat more... You have to look at the bigger picture."

For more from Glassman, watch the video above and pick up her book or check out her practice, Nutritious Life.

