Is Junk Food Linked To Mental Health Disorders In Children?
Junk food may be a fast and easy way to feed our children, but are the potential health effects worth it? Millions of children suffer from mental health disorders, according to a recent report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If your child is diagnosed with a mental health condition like ADHD, depression, anxiety, or autism, it could be due to fast food advertisements and the food they eat, according to Medical Daily.
A study by the American Psychological Association found that the more junk food advertisements children watch on TV, the more junk food they eat. And the more junk food they put into their bodies, the greater the effect not only on their weight, but also their brains, too.
Unhealthy food can have long-term negative effects on mental health and behavior because it affects the structure and function of the brain, according to another study. Think of it this way: When you eat a healthy meal, you probably feel energized and satisfied, but when you eat an unhealthy meal, or don't eat at all, you may feel wiped out, depressed, unfocused, or moody.
Mental health disorders are long-term conditions that affect a person's overall health. If a child does not get early diagnosis and treatment, the disorder can interfere with the child's development and cause issues in its personal life and relationships.
So maybe it's time to turn off those junk food ads.