Thanksgiving Shopping List Organization Tips To Save You Time

One of the biggest Thanksgiving dinner questions is: How do you tackle grocery shopping? This feast is far from your average weeknight dinner, and between cooking enough casseroles to feed an army and figuring out how much turkey you need to buy per person, it can all become a bit overwhelming.


How to Cut Your Thanksgiving Grocery Bill in Half

The key to any successful grocery store trip, especially a holiday-centric shop, is to make sure that your grocery list is organized. And for a meal where you need to make a main course, a wide variety of side dishes and desserts, that means sorting your list not by recipe but by type of ingredient and store aisle.

You see, a lot of the best Thanksgiving recipes use the same ingredients: flour, butter, chicken stock, onions, fresh herbs, etc. Write out how much of a single ingredient you need per recipe and add them all together. If your gravy recipe calls for 2 cups of stock, your stuffing calls for 4 cups and a casserole requires 1 cup, that information can help you buy in bulk and save money when shopping.


In the age of coronavirus grocery shopping, having a list organized by grocery item and type (like canned goods, produce or frozen foods) will help you to avoid crisscrossing the store so that you can maintain better social distancing.

While doing your shopping, make sure you cross items off your list as you go so you don't mistakenly think you got your parsley and your thyme when you only grabbed one. Having your grocery list sorted by item type and aisle is just one of the ways to make your Thanksgiving grocery experience a breeze.

