Guide To Organic Food

Why is organic food better for us? We hear about it all the time, but it is worth the extra expense? Read on to discover when (and why) spending more on organic is really worth the price.
What Is Organic?
Definitely an important question to consider when thinking of buying organic. Organic foods are grown without the use of pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers, hormones and just about any other substance that seems repulsive to have on or in your juicy red apple or slab of meat.
Why Organic?
The thought of munching on a peach sprayed with pesticides definitely pushes me in the other direction, but if you need more convincing: organic food will taste better since it'll be fresher, and it'll contain more nutrients and antioxidants, reducing your risk of cancer and heart disease. Plus, you can help save the environment while eating. #Winning.
When to go Organic:
Have no fear, you don't only have to buy organic fruits and veggies from now on (aka: you'll still have enough cash for your late night cheesy bread).
No: If your produce has a thick peel or rind, then you're safe sticking with conventional (bananas, avocados, mangoes, kiwis, etc.).
Yes: For better flavor and nutritional value, whip out that extra cash for organic apples, nectarines, peaches, cherries, strawberries, grapes, pears, spinach, peppers, celery, green beans, tomatoes, potatoes, kale, lettuce, bell peppers
If you can afford it, go organic for your dairy and meat products too, but if you can't, don't sweat it...non-organic works fine.
The post Guide to Organic Food appeared first on Spoon University.