Comedian Uses Bacon As Currency During Cross-Country Road Trip

First Heineken challenged one man to travel through Asia with only a backpack of beer. Now, Oscar Mayer is jumping on the food-as-currency bandwagon.

Comedian Josh Sankey has been selected by Oscar Mayer to travel to 12 American cities on a two-week road trip using only bacon as his form of currency. Yes, bacon.

Oscar Mayer is providing Sankey with roughly 3,000 pounds of the company's new Butcher Thick Cut Bacon in place of cash, credit, and debit cards. He will be using the bacon to barter for travel necessities, such as food and hospitality.

Sankey's journey began Sept. 7 and will end Sept. 23. So far, he has traveled to New York City, East Rutherford, N.J., Hagerstown, Md., Charleston, W.Va., Lesage, W.Va., and Louisville, Ky. Along the way, a variety of things have been bartered, such as homemade wine and moonshine, gas money, jumper cables, Jets football tickets, and even a night on a couch.

During Sankey's road trip, which began in New York, he will be stopping in Chicago Sept. 15 and 16 and Las Vegas on Sept. 22 on the way to his final destination: Los Angeles.

Sankey is posting the places he's stopped as well as what he has bartered on

Diehard bacon lovers out there: what would you barter in exchange for free bacon?

Tayler Stein is a Junior Writer at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @TaylerSteinTDM.