Eco-Friendly Restaurants Of Canada

Today there are diners who want the restaurants they use to make the same level of commitment to the environment as they have. Eco- Friendly restaurants are increasing in their numbers around Canada, as well as growing in popularity. Leaders in Environmentally Accountable Foodservice (LEAF) is a non-profit certification program for restaurants. LEAF is an organization dedicated to making certain restaurants follow firm environmental standards.

Restaurants who receive the LEAF certification must have experienced an on-site review by a LEAF consultant. The restaurant must adhere to the requirements of ten key areas. This includes everything from its energy use to its waste disposal and recycling as well as food purchasing, if eco painting has been done and more. There are three different LEAF certification levels for a restaurant. To advance through the different levels after certification they must also prove they're committed to decreasing the impact of their business on the planet. To reach the top level a restaurant must contribute to environmental sustainability at a level higher than others, as well as provide the best possible food service experience to its customers.

Here are some in restaurants in Canada who have obtained LEAF Certification

Fresh on Crawford – Toronto
Since they started in business they've destroyed the stereotype of vegan or vegetarian food being bland. They have worked hard to develop a menu that is filled with food that is both fresh and wholesome, as well as having unforgettable good flavor. The packaging they use for take-away is both compostable and biodegradable. Their used cooking oil is collected by GreenDiesel, so it can be recycled for biodiesel purposes. Any produce that spoils, as well as any other biodegradable waste is effectively composted. Receptacles are in their kitchens, dining rooms and juice bars for plastic, cardboard and glass.

Classic Bistro – Calgary
The executive chef Dominique Moussu creates french cuisine made with local seasonal produce obtained daily from close by at Market 17. French and Canadian wines are chosen with care to accommodate each dish. Patrons of this restaurant can experience everything from Alberta Farm Pork Roast to Beef tartar "au couteau" and more.

Belzac's Coffee Roasters – Multiple Locations
Belzac is a cafe that has four cornerstones for their business which include being sustainable, artisanal, natural and local. Their goal is to offer slow food that is quickly prepared. They've been providing their customers with Fair Trade Organic coffee, cocoa and sugar since 1997. All the milk that they use is organic and obtained locally.

PJ's Restaurant in the Atrium – University of Guelph – Guelph
This is a restaurant operated by the students at the University of Guelph who are attending the school of Hospitality and Tourism Management. The items on their menu change daily and are created by student group events.

Locals – Courtenay
Locals has been open since 2008 and provides their customers a wide range of food that is locally grown and produced. This means what they provide is fresh and very healthy. It is a popular place for health conscious people to enjoy menu items made from local food. They are known for their belief in environmental sustainability and best possible quality in their product.

Purple Pastry Chef – Calgary
They are known for using fresh seasonal ingredients in their popular pastries that are made new each day and decorated by hand. They have adapted their menu to serve diabetics, vegans, vegetarians and more. They offer 32 different varieties of cupcakes.

These are just some of the restaurants in Canada that have obtained LEAF certification. To see a complete list just go to the LEAF website.

Ecopainting is run by George Zarogiannis in Toronto, Canada, where they specialize in commercial painting.  George has a passion for foods such as pizza and burritos and all things "foodie".