Best Roommates Ever Win Date Night With Guy Fieri Shrine Prank

Meaghan Hassan is a huge Food Network fan. So after she left the house for a date, her roommates Heather Callaghan, Julia Wilcox, and Caitlin McTeirnan did a little premeditated redecorating. The squad knew Hassan was bringing a dude back to the apartment after dinner, so they threw on "I'll Make Love to You" by Boyz II Men, lit some candles, and peppered the 20-year-old's room with photos of Guy Fieri.


"Meaghan's bringing a boy home so we redecorated her room with a shrine to Guy Fieri," Callaghan captioned her now-viral clip. The 10-second snippet pans over Hassan's dresser, which is covered in Fieri memorabilia. Candle light illuminates a photoshopped gem of the celebrity chef being cradled by Mother Mary, Fieri's lone head atop a foam finger, and a three-tier frame that reads: "My Guy, Guy."

But it gets better. The best decoration in the room is not the Fieri family portrait, but the top-notch printer-paper banner above the bed. In all caps, it says, "WELCOME TO FLAVOR TOWN." This set-up outshines Helga Pataki's Hey Arnold sanctuary on all the levels. All of them.

Callaghan says her roomie was a little confused when she first walked in, but once Hassan realized what was going on, she thought it was hilarious. Her date apparently thought it was pretty great, too.


"The guy was a good sport about it and thought it was funny. It was overall a pretty seamless prank," Hassan told The Daily Meal. The geography major has yet to take any of the decorations down.

The hilarious video that captured it all has been featured on Barstool Sports' Instagram, but was originally uploaded to the outlet's Binghamton University affiliate. Hassan and her roommates attend the New York college and are expected to graduate in May of 2019. For more on the Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives host who made this romantic prank possible, here's what Guy Fieri looked like before he was famous.

