Click Here For The 11 Most Bizarre Food Museums Slideshow

Remember the old adage: One man's burnt toast is another man's museum exhibition. The Burnt Food Museum has been honoring "culinary disasters" for more than 20 years. The museum includes a private exhibition of burnt items featuring everything from the classics (toast, blackened bagels) to the funny (charred lemons, shriveled tangerines, ashes of Hot Pockets), and artists have donated renderings of items like appliances and burnt waffles. A few times a year the exhibit opens to public viewing.


Bionic Burger Museum — Online

Len Foley's unique collection started when he learned of a chance occurrence in 1989 — a young man bought two Big Mac burgers from McDonald's, ate the first, and then placed the other in his jacket pocket to save for later. A year passed before he realized that the burger was still his pocket, and when he retrieved it he discovered it in the exact same condition it was when he bought it (though a bit colder, naturally). Struck with such awe and inspiration, Foley decided to dedicate his life to immortalizing Big Macs and displaying them. 


International Vinegar Museum — Roslyn, S.D.

Lawrence Driggs, the self-proclaimed "Vinegar Man," has dedicated his life to collecting and curating the first and only museum celebrating vinegar. Not only can visitors look through the vast selection of vinegars from around the world, but they'll also be educated about the cooking uses, heritage and origins, and historical trends associated with the acidic condiment.


The Currywurst Museum — Berlin, Germany

Immerse yourself in the culture and history of this popular German snack food. At The Currywurst Museum, visitors can enjoy the Spice Chamber, where they can taste and sniff distinct currywurst flavoring blends, or explore what it's like to own their own currywurst snack bar.


The National Dairy Shrine Museum — Fort Atkinson, Wis.

The dairy industry has had a rich history in the American landscape. Learn the history of ice cream, explore the evolution of dairy technology, and be sure to check out the dog-powered butter churn.


The Jell-O Gallery — LeRoy, N.Y.

Did you know that Jell-O was one of the first products sold door-to-door? Increase your trivia knowledge about this iconic treat with a trip to The Jell-O Gallery. The museum currently features an exhibit on how Bill Cosby has influenced the Jell-O industry.


The National Mustard Museum — Middleton, Wis.

This museum boasts a collection of more than 5,300 jars of mustard. From historical memorabilia to an extensive array of mustard pots, this temple to one of the world's most popular condiments has it all.


The Idaho Potato Museum — Blackfoot, Idaho

Idaho has long been associated with the potato industry. This museum seeks to showcase how Idaho potatoes are grown and harvested, and educate visitors on their history. Those visiting the museum from out-of-state will receive a box of hash browns with each ticket of admission.


The Shinyokohama Ramen Museum — Yokohama, Japan

Explore the rise in popularity of ramen that began in Japanese port cities. This museum has an exhibit featuring the different types of ramen, both traditional and modern. Visitors can take note of the subtle differences in the varieties of ramen found throughout Japan.


The SPAM Museum — Austin, Minn.

Surely the most elaborate museum dedicated to canned meat, The SPAM Museum has an extensive collection of memorabilia dating back to World War II. Test your SPAM knowledge by playing the game-show quiz, or watch a classic SPAM commercial.


The Pulmuone Kimchi Field Museum — Seoul, South Korea

This museum is dedicated to educating visitors on the importance of kimchi in Korean culture. The vast collection of academic papers and books are kept as a resource for anthropological researchers. The museum frequently offers kimchi-making workshops, as well as tasting events.