A Chat With Star Chef Blythe Beck In Dallas

If you know famed Naughty Kitchen chef Blythe Beck, you won't be one bit surprised when you walk in the door of her new restaurant, Pink Magnolia, in Dallas.  You'll just be pleased as punch — and that's exactly what Beck is hoping for. The décor and the menu are so very Beck from the bathroom wallpaper made from copies of her family's recipe cards and scraps and scribbles to her menu filled with Southern spoils from biscuits and butter to shrimp and grits to pimento mac and cheese. It's all rich and delicious and, yes, it's bacon, butter, and booze all around, y'all!


We caught up with Beck to find out more about what makes Pink Magnolia shine and Beck sparkle:

The Daily Meal: Where did the name Pink Magnolia come from?
Chef Blythe Beck
: Her name came from my love of living pink. I love being pink, positive, and fired up! The magnolia flower is the ultimate symbol of Southern strength and hospitality.

How did you decide on the opening menu for the restaurant?
I wanted to have a blend of my classic dishes and some new fun and comforting food.

What would you say is your food philosophy?
My food philosophy is simple: I love cooking food that people recognize and reminds them of home, just a little bit swankier.

What is the feel you are hoping to create at Pink Magnolia?
The whole feeling of Pink Magnolia is comfort and familiarity. We want our company to come over just as they are and let us do all the work.  We want it to be an extension of our own personal homes. 


What is exciting you the most about food right now? Certain ingredients? Recipes? A new discovery?
The most exciting thing for me is that comfort is always sexy and always in style. I think people want to feel that nostalgia of being home sometimes. 

For those not familiar with you, what would you tell them to expect from Pink Magnolia?
I would tell them that Pink Magnolia was created with our guests in mind. We made her beautiful but approachable. We also built it with the idea of paying homage to the people that got us here. There are very special moments throughout the space that loves on the people that helped this huge dream of ours become a reality.

For your die-hard fans, any surprises in store for them?
Let me start by saying that I love my fans! They come from all over Dallas and the country to eat my food. That is so humbling and special! There are many surprises, but I think the best one is the accessibility I have with my guests. There is a very open kitchen and a chef's counter so you can sit right with me!

Is this the first restaurant that's all yours?
This is the first restaurant I have ever owned. I have a fabulous business partner, Casie Caldwell! This is our baby together and it is so exciting.


Was it harder, easier, or as you expected in terms of getting it up and running?
This is the hardest thing I have ever done professionally. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into. Of course if we ever knew what we were getting into we would never get out of bed! I assumed that things would go according to plan, be on time, be more affordable — I am an idiot!

How does it feel to have a restaurant all your own?
Every time we talk about my baby I tear up a little. Something changed in me. She isn't a job, she isn't even the biggest moment in my career, she is my love. I love being with her! I love taking care of her, and I love having company over. I am so very proud of what we have created and I just want to share her with the world. [pullquote:right]

What would you say has been the biggest surprise or learning moment?
My biggest learning moment was figuring out that I would and could sacrifice anything to make Pink Magnolia happen. The biggest surprise was how hard it was to staff her. The shortage of kitchen staff is a real struggle. But finding the best staff front and back of the house has been the best surprise. I love my "kids!"

What advice would you give anyone thinking about opening her own restaurant?


I joke...sort of.

My best advice is to have amazing support. I have a great partner for our baby! We have fabulous investors that get us. And, I am so blessed to have a fiancée and mother that support me and love me through the stress, the tears, and the growing pains. The biggest piece of advice is: give yourself time. Time really helps balance it all out. 

Anything else you want to share about your new baby?
I would say thank you to Dallas for loving me through this and supporting me all these years of cooking. I felt a very real sense of wanting to thank them and making a home where they are always welcome.  I would also like to give a huge shout out to my neighbors and the neighborhood, they have been beyond welcoming. 

