Midwest Drought Could Lead To Higher-Quality Wine

The Midwest isn't exactly known for their great wine, but vintners hope the drought will change the region's reputation among US wine producers. While the vineyards aren't exactly new to the area, they hold the reputation of being a tourist draw as opposed to quality wine-producers. Not everything is completely peachy, however, with wineries expecting a reduced harvest both this year and next.

The grapes this year differ from the vineyard's traditional crops in their size and their sugar and flavor concentrations. Some of the grapes are completely desiccated raisins, where as others are roughly two thirds of their usual size. These smaller grapes are the ones the wineries are hoping will produce a drink with fuller, sweeter flavors. The dry weather is more hospitable to producing red wines, though it will also improve the quality of white wines, Tony Debec, owner of an Ohio-based vineyard, commented. Serious oenophiles might be disappointed should they try to age their bottle, as this wine is best when drinking fresh and will spoil within the year.

The changes in weather have increased the different varietals of grapes that can successfully grow in the region. If this hot, dry weather continues for the Midwest, then the region might become known for its wine production before long. (Those cornhusks and soybeans better watch out.)

(Photo vineyard Modified: Flickr/faVori rouge/CC 4.0)