Red Bull's Kiwi Twist Reenergizes Your Summer Sipping
It took a while, but spring is finally here and it feels like it too. As we enjoy the transition to warmer weather and longer days we've spent more time outside playing sports and soaking up the sunrays. We've developed a thirst for refreshing spring beverages and can't help to wonder about new thirst-quenching summer sippers. We've found Red Bull's new twist on summer sips – its revitalizing Kiwi Twist energy drink. Just in time for countless sunny days, the limited edition energizer has a light kiwi essence, not too sweet, and is a perfect guzzler before a workout, a midday boost, or even mixes with your favorite clear spirit for impromptu cocktails. The Wings of Red Bull will deliver the delicious high-octane swill in time for Memorial Day until Labor Day. Kiwi Twist joins the other limited edition flavors such as cranberry Red Bull Red Edition, Blue Edition (blueberry), Yellow Edition (tropical fruits) and the most recent Orange Edition (tangerine).