Coffee Machine Roasts, Grinds, And Brews Cup Of Joe
This video below makes you really question the quality of your everyday coffee. "Is it really fresh?" it asks, and the implied answer is, "Nope, you're drinking month-old, stale, terrible, pre-roasted coffee you amateur."
The solution, it seems, is to roast and grind your own coffee in addition to brewing it. And yes, that is a lot of work. Luckily, this new machine from Bonaverde Coffee Changers is supposed to help you out; start with green coffee beans, push a button, and you can have a dark roast "in minutes."
The device, which has a roasting mechanism that roasts the beans without burning them, takes about three to four minutes to roast, PSFK reports. The same element that roasts the beans also preheats the water. Once the beans cool down, they're ground, and then brewed into the freshest cup of coffee you may ever have (the founders are even submitting it to Guinness World Records as fastest cup of coffee from green beans to cup).
They have 135 prototypes working, and have reached more than twice their Kickstarter goal. Watch below to see how it works.