Cherry Tomato Bruschetta Recipe
Cherry Tomato Bruschetta Recipe
I love the concept of standing in the kitchen and chatting with a friend while whipping up some culinary masterpiece. I don’t know about you though, but that's not how it has ever really gone for me. Usually, I can’t think about anything but what I’m making, so my sentences often have random ingredients thrown in. But this dish — this bright, sweet, colorful dish — is the perfect drink-wine-while-chatting-and-cooking-all-at-once snack.
Case in point: a good friend was in town, so I invited her to my place for a glass of wine and some snacks. (In this story, snacks = cherry tomato bruschetta.) We successfully stood at the kitchen counter, drinking a light California red, while I cooked up this extremely easy and tasty bite. It is a great appetizer or side dish and is virtually fool proof. The salt and the rosemary cut the sweetness of the tomatoes and the warm, slightly crispy (and salty) bread is the perfect carrier for it all.
Click here to see more Tasty Tomato Recipes.
