While you may gobble up chocolate as soon as you get it home, sometimes -- like with baking chocolate -- you want to store it. Here's a tip to keep it fresh.
Sweet potatoes are versatile and nutritious, and a holiday season staple. But to preserve their flavor, avoid the refrigerator. Here's how best to store them.
Fruit flies can become those irritating swarms that descend on your kitchen for no apparent reason. This simple food cleaning tip will save you the annoyance.
Keeping leftover cupcakes fresh is important, you don't want to toss out any that went stale. Here's a hack using a wine glass to preserve your petit treat.
Milkshakes can be hard to save for later without ruining their taste and texture. Try these fridge and freezer tips to shake up your preservation game.
A to-go salad is a great prepared lunch. But if your crunchy croutons end up soggy from sitting, that's not so great. Parchment paper can help, here's how.
Opened canned tuna requires specific storage conditions - namely, being transferred to an airtight container and refrigerated - to stay fresh and safe to eat.
When you're battening down the hatches ahead of a hurricane, it's important to stock up on the right food. So, here are 17 essential items you should consider.
If your ice keeps meltng in the cooler, a trip to the hardware store for some aluminum insulation could be all you need to keep your food and drinks frosty.
Crab meat is a tasty treat, but if you have any left over after your meal, be sure you remove the shell and store it properly in the fridge to avoid spoilage.
Freezing meat is vital in a kitchen, but de-frosting can be a pain. Which is why it's helpful that certain fishes can be cooked - but not seared - from frozen.
Mochi, the sweet treats originating in Japan, are available in multiple styles and ingredients. Storing them can be tricky so here's what you need to know.
Meatloaf needs to be stored a specific way in your refrigerator or freezer to avoid certain pesky problems. Here's the best way to go about storing your loaf.
If you'll be relying on the cooler for several hours, you can keep food and drinks cooler for much longer if you make a second layer of temperature protection.
Watermelons are a quintessential summer fruit. But some can spontaneously combust out of nowhere. Here's why your watermelon may run the risk of exploding.