There is something inherently romantic about a finely aged wine brought up from a cool, dark cellar. But how long does unopened red wine actually last?
Using cumin can enhance a food's flavors, bringing your dish to a new level. Whether you purchase cumin seeds or the ground variety, here's how to store them.
Pickled eggs are a satisfying snack placed on bar tops across America. But if they've been there too long they could become rubbery. Here's how to avoid it.
It can be a hassle navigating airport security when carrying liquid food in your hand luggage. But consider if you can take advantage of this sneaky loophole.
Sticky confections may be delicious, but if you've ever had to wrap them up, it's unlikely you had a positive experience. Wrap them like a pro with this tip.
If you're a wine connoisseur, you might have a stockpile of your favorite bottles at home. Ensure you're not making a big mistake in how you're storing them.
Curing meat might be an age-old practice, but does it take ages to do? There's a pretty simple approach to figuring out how long the process needs to last.
Whether you call them scallions or green onions, few items provide a meal with such flavor. But when it comes to storage, you should never freeze them.
Who doesn't love the beautiful spreadability of room temperature butter? But food safety comes first. Find out how long you can store butter on the counter.
Meal prep saves time, money, and helps you enjoy a homemade dish on a busy weeknight. Don't let your efforts be wasted by not freezing meatballs properly.
Butternut squash is a sizeable fruit, and it's likely you won't need all of it for one meal. If you have any leftovers, these are the best ways to store them.
You may have had a bag of beef jerky in your car to snack on for months, but what if it was tuna jerky? Here's how to store it and how long it will keep.
If you unintentionally left your soup out overnight, you may be wondering whether it is still safe to eat after being unrefrigerated. Here's what to know.
There's a popular idea that placing a spoon into a bottle of Champagne will retain its fizz. But researchers have proven that it doesn't actually work.
Fermented garlic honey is loaded with flavor and healthy benefits, it's very easy to make, and it lasts a really long time -- as long as it's properly stored.
Storing pickles in the freezer just isn't a good idea. While it will successfully extend their shelf life, they'll become mushy and have absolutely no crunch.
Fermented foods are great for your gut health and relatively easy to make. But how can you tell when something like fermented garlic honey is unsafe to eat?