The iconic British artist Adele revealed that, if given the choice, she would choose a classic, three-piece offering from McDonald's for her last meal.
Instead of swinging through the drive-thru for a fast-food breakfast sandwich, do it like Al Roker and make your own version of a McDonald's breakfast classic.
The chickens used to create chicken McNuggets are born from a plump chicken breed that was aptly dubbed the "Mr. McDonald." And yes, it is indeed real chicken.
The nostalgia that people feel for McDonald's Happy Meals and the included surprise toy is real. But can you purchase these iconic toys without the meal?
McDondald's might not be known for its healthful products, but the fast-food chain's chicken nuggets aren't as woeful for your health as you might think.
If you're not familiar with McDonald's holiday pie, now may be your chance to try it. No official dates are out yet, but it's been spotted in certain locations.
Although it's only available in Canada, it's not the first time that McDonald's features this unique ingredient. Can you guess this McFlurry flavor combo?
Thanks to a new court ruling, McDonald's locations will now be able to more readily repair its broken McFlurry machines, meaning more ice cream for you.
As with many famous fast food items, though, the Egg McMuffin has had a pretty fascinating journey, with some surprising twists and turns along the way.
Fast food employees, generally speaking, will accommodate menu-hacking. However, there's one hack that will make a McDonald's employee put their foot down.
McDonald's is going after a collection of others over their shady and allegedly illegal practices -- a beef so major, it's been brought to court (pun intended).