Good times await when you've got a burrito in your hand. For your next Mexican craving, swap out red meat with seafood for a lighter yet enjoyable twist.
You don't need to splurge on pricey bottles to enjoy a fantastic glass of wine. Lean on your personal preferences and follow these tips to find hidden gems.
Host a simple, elegant holiday party with Katie Lee’s classic formula. Discover timeless tips for effortless style, delicious bites, and festive charm.
If you ever happen to have leftover fruit mousse (maybe it could happen) here's the best way to store it in the fridge and how long it will last in there.
When Bruno Mars meets K-Pop sensation Rose and they make a song about a drinking game -- everyone wants to know how it works. Here's what we found out.
If you're not a fan of cranberry sauce or are just looking for something different this year, fear not, for we have plenty of great alternative to choose from.
Campbell's is a mainstay in the realm of store-bought soup, but you might want to steer clear of its vegetable soup. Here's why - and what to buy instead.
Discover the breakfast staple that gives fried chicken an extra crunch! Elevate your crispy chicken game with this simple ingredient for the perfect bite.
Achieving the right balance of fruit flavor and the perfect airy texture in a fruit mousse takes a bit of finesse. But there's one easy tip to get you there.
Mousse isn't the easiest dessert to make, and there are several components that require skill and patience. Like how you whip the cream and egg whites.
Tofu is just begging for a marinade -- the perfect sponge to absorb lots of delicious flavors. If you're a little stumped on where to start, we got you.
There's no comfort food quite like grilled cheese, especially an enhanced version. Try this fall bread swap for grilled cheese with an irresistible sweetness.
Are you looking to enjoy dessert wine? This Hungarian variety is one of the sweetest you can buy, and it's an ideal match for desserts, sharp cheeses, and more.