The tasty and nutrient bell pepper is a versatile vegetable and easy to prepare. Except for one thing: seeds. Here's how you can prepare bells without the mess.
Firm tofu is just as good as or even better than cow's milk, from a nutritional standpoint. Its calcium content exceeds that of most foods, including milk.
Stuffed bell peppers are a delicious meal typically associated with lunch or dinner, but with some ingredient tweaks, they can be an amazing breakfast as well.
Trying cuisines from around the world is a highlight of traveling. Next time you're in the Arctic Circle, be sure to try this Nordic burger made from reindeer.
Fresh spinach doesn't live long before going bad, so you may want a long-lasting pick to get your greens. Here's why frozen is a better choice than canned.
Frosty desserts are a sweet summer staple, but why stop at the traditional favorites? Try this quick and easy tip to turn frozen fruit into tasty nice cream!
If you accident ingest mold, you should be fine. Just to be safe, these are a few things to look out for over the next few days to make sure you are okay.
Cooking with herbs is a great way to incorporate flavors into your dishes. You can use dry or fresh herbs, but how do you store leftovers so they last longer?
Ice-cream is a beloved treat for the summer. However, some brands and flavors make ones that aren't the healthiest to overindulge in, and here we explore them.
Summer picnics and backyard barbecues are a great opportunity to incorporate delicious salads. Try individualizing them this summer by utilizing skewers.
Salads are back in season, and while you want to feel full, you only need a few ingredients. Choosing a select few carefully can help create an ideal lunch.
Some plant-based milks contain a hefty amount of sugar. A single cup can reach up to 13 grams or more. That's more than half of the daily recommended limit.
Incorporating vegetables into your diet is undoubtedly smart. You can change the flavor by cooking them in different ways. For tomatoes, we suggest blistering.
Enjoying a salad is a great way to enjoy eating healthy. But how long can it sit out and still be okay to eat? Make a game plan to ensure you won't get sick.
Oatmeal is highly nutritional and versatile, which helps us understand why it's part of the day's most important meal. But what happens if we eat it every day?