Are you planning to start using lavender in your cooking? If you want to include the herbaceous flower, here's how to avoid its soapy taste in your food.
Foods and drinks containing calorie-free sweeteners like stevia and sucralose seem to be everywhere these days. But are these sugar substitutes all the same?
Enjoying the amenities a cruise offers is a highlight of your vacation, especially regarding food. If you find a buffet, this red flag should send you running.
From Jell-O to marshmallows, there are plenty of tasty desserts that use gelatin to create their unique texture. Here's how long you should chill them.
Cocktails are stronger than wine or beer, so you'll need to be more careful when pairing them with steak. Certain liquors and flavors will clash with your meal.
When strolling through the produce aisle at your local grocery store, you might wonder what that mist is that's spraying over your veggies. Let's investigate.
Not only are these flecks -- affectionately called "cheese crystals" by cheesemongers -- safe to eat, but they're also a sign that your cheese is first-rate.
Keep in mind that this trick involving rice is only going to work with a group of fruits that ripen in a very specific way. Let's take a closer look at why.
Many people have been trying to find the best hangover cure for years. Daily Meal spoke with a doctor on tips that just may make a difference the day after.
While it's a wonderful beverage to enjoy as the leaves change colors and there's a chill in the air, you should be mindful when buying apple cider this fall.
Eating fruit instead of candy can be just as satisfying; you just need the right mindset. Here's how to trick your mind into eating healthy snacks more often.
Although bell peppers come in different sizes, colors, and varying number of bumps (or lobes) on the bottom, there's one easy way to tell which is sweet.
If you're a lover of all things pumpkin, then a no-bake pumpkin pie is probably right up your alley. Here's how pudding mix makes this pie easier than ever.