Chefs often experiment to create new versions of well-known foods. One McDonald's owner created the Egg McMuffin as an homage to his favorite fancy breakfast.
The French press has been around since the 1800s, but did you know it can be used for more than just coffee? Brew a pot of loose-leaf tea using your press.
Celebrating a birthday at a restaurant is usually a fun time. When it comes to dessert, what's protocol for bringing in your own cake versus ordering dessert?
Ever heard you should only eat oysters in months with an 'R' in them? That's not so true today: You can eat oysters during summer! Here's what you need to know.
The next time you see the word "torte" on a menu, don't be perplexed and wonder if it's the same thing as cake. Here are the facts about this rich dessert.
Homemade meat pies are the ultimate comfort food. Make them from scratch in advance, and mind this tip for how long you can store them in the fridge or freezer.
You've probably seen "seared" tuna on many restaurant menus, and been instructed to "brown" meat in recipes. So what's the difference? Here are the facts.
Cream is a wonderful ingredient in baking and cooking, but the "light" and "heavy" versions really are different. Here are the facts on what sets them apart.
The short answer is no. The long answer has to do with the ingredients in white chocolate and its melting point. Read all about the best ways to melt it.
MSG has a dark past with many health claims leveled against it. However, used in small doses it is reportedly safe and can boost your mayo to the next level.
Cheese firmness has everything to do with moisture content, aging time (or lack thereof), and the development of curds during the cheesemaking process.
If your microwave is good for one thing, it's quickly reheating leftovers. But there may be better methods for reheating some things, burgers included.
Ever wondered why you can cook mushrooms for a long, long time and they stay soft and don't dry out? Here's the answer to why it's hard to overcook mushrooms.
If you're a coffee lover, you may want to brace yourself for this unsettling truth. Your beloved ground coffee might be hiding a dark secret in its contents.
You've seen 'Al Pastor' on many menus and most likely as a choice for tacos. So what exactly is it? Here's the brief history of this beloved Mexican meat.
Ice Cream's history is a sweet one, with so many varieties around the world. Here's how a little-known town in Iowa became the ice cream capital of the world.
It's ok to crave Thanksgiving dinner any time of year, even summer. So head on over to Cracker Barrel on this one day per week to snag the Turkey N' Dressing.
Love it or hate it, Spam is almost iconic -- but it's not the only potted meat around. Ever wondered what exactly these canned meats are made of? Read on...
It might be a relatively easy and mess-free way to dispose of used eggshells, but storing those remnants in with your unused eggs is not safe nor healthy.