While Gordon Ramsay has made many of his food and drink preferences known, one thing you might not know about him is his hilariously-named favorite cocktail.
Alton Brown knows his stuff, and in a series of Instagram reels he walks viewers through his morning coffee routine. Here's why Brown prefers pour over coffee.
Channel your inner Marilyn Monroe by treating yourself to this sugary snack that she frequently enjoyed. She picked up this habit while attending drama class.
Guy Fieri knows a thing or two about grilling. So when he offers up a preferred cut of steak that goes easy on the family budget, we're on board for it.
Famed chef Julia Child wasn't shy in making known her favorite food. And there's a particular brand of chocolate in the U.S. she rated above all others.
Sometimes a sweet treat before bed is just the ticket. At least, 98-year-old Dick Van Dyke thinks so. He enjoys this classic dessert every evening before bed.
For many, Marie Kondo revolutionized the way they keep their homes uncluttered. The author also shared her go-to technique to keep your pantry organized.
Carla Hall knows a thing or two about Southern cooking and when it comes to grits, it pays to listen to the celebrity chef if you want the best outcome.
When cooking anything it's best to turn to the experts. And when it comes to salads, Ina Garten has all the answers for you, including this dressing rule.
Alton Brown is a culinary mastermind, so why wouldn't you follow his recipe for a great egg salad? Here's his secret ingredient that makes all the difference.
Ludacris might be known for his beats, but the rapper and actor has a solid culinary background too. He shared some exclusive tips for dining in Atlanta.
Ina Garten has an unconventional tip to bring out the flavor of your salads, and it goes against everything you think you know: try serving them at room temp.
When you're Ina Garten you find a way to transform even the most classic of dishes like a Cobb salad into a decadent feast with the addition of this meat.
Hosting a dinner party doesn't have to be daunting. You're in good shape if you focus on the table. Here's how to set your dinner party table like a total pro.
Audrey Hepburn was many things: Talented actress, timeless beauty, and home cook. But when she made her pasta sauce, she used a rather controversial ingredient.