If you enjoy the convenience of a fast meal, you're going to love this one. And with this recipe, you don't even need to preheat the oven or fire up the stove.
If you want to make the best homemade fried chicken possible, you need to whip out these two specific thermometers to achieve those results, and here's why.
There are countless tips and tricks when it comes to grilling. It's worth keeping in mind the tools that have been designed to help get the best results.
From adding an ingredient or two to switching up the cooking method, it doesn't take much to elevate the humble onion ring and raise it to gourmet status.
Forgo more dirty crockery piling up in the dishwasher and give your salad a creative flavor upgrade by serving it in an easy-to-make cheese crisp bowl.
The hardest part of making homemade stuffed pasta shells is stuffing all those slippery noodles, so it might blow your mind to know that there's an easier way.
Some fruits fare better than others when canned, and peaches are one of them. These expert tips and tricks will help you maximize their flavor and texture.
A well-made batch of mashed potatoes can excel as a side, but they can also be the star of the show if you boost their flavor with an unexpected ingredient.
Hummus is a delicious dish on its own, but you can add color and flavor by mixing in other veggies. By adding beets, it can transform hummus to a vibrant pink.
If your cherry tomatoes seem to be lacking a little vibrancy, there's an ingredient you probably have in your pantry that will give them a quick boost.
If you're eager to try some different type of toppings for your pizza, then look no further than this one that takes inspiration from a beloved appetizer.
If you're making burgers for a crowd, it's useful to know how much meat to buy for the patties. So here's how many burgers you can expect to make per pound.
Coleslaw is great on its own, but its superpower is that it makes a great base for many add ins. And there's a tart fruit that will add a punch of flavor.
If you thought an egg salad sandwich couldn't get any better than it already is, you need to try making this one change for the best bite of egg salad sammie.
Real peanut butter and fake peanut butter are obviously similar, but there are important differences. From nutrition to texture, we're breaking them down.
Quick pickled red onions are one of the easiest pickled veggies to make. To play up the subtle sweetness already found in red onion, reach for this vinegar.
If you love tandoori chicken but don't own the type of oven associated with cooking it, you might think you can't make this dish at home. However, you can.
Celery is often perceived as having no flavor and just a useful vessel for toppings. However, when prepared properly, it can be a tremendously tasty ingredient.