Stephanie Oliveira Nguyen

Photo of Stephanie Oliveira Nguyen
Seminole, Florida
University Of South Florida
Crockpot Cooking, Family Meals, Budget Dinners
  • Stephanie fell in love with food at the side of her Portuguese avó, who never measured anything.
  • She collects vintage cookbooks — the older, the better.
  • Her windowsill herb garden is her pride and joy, but she keeps killing basil plants.


Stephanie has been a professional writer for almost twenty years. She was hired by Static Media in 2024 to marry her passion for food and the written word. Her other subjects of expertise include travel and lifestyle writing. She's also a published author of fiction.
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Our team also regularly reviews and updates articles as necessary to ensure they are accurate. For more information on our editorial process, view our full policies page.

Stories By Stephanie Oliveira Nguyen