Sonora Slater

Photo of Sonora Slater
Davis, CA
UC Davis
Trader Joes, Iced Coffee, Viral Food Trends
  • Despite the fact that it almost gave her heatstroke, Sonora's favorite day of work at The Sacramento Bee was when she and the rest of that summer's interns were sent to taste and review all the food at the California State Fair.
  • Before joining the Daily Meal, her favorite piece of food writing she'd done was about genetically modified space lettuce used to help astronauts' bones retain density while in orbit.
  • Her enthusiastic endorsement of Trader Joes' squiggly noodles has convinced at least six people to try them (you should add to that number).


Sonora has worked as a reporter since high school, when writing a feature on a professional juggler made her fall in love with the job. Most recently, she served as the editor-in-chief of The California Aggie, UC Davis' student-run newspaper, where some of her proudest accomplishments were launching a podcast, setting up a coffee station at the office, and bringing back the paper's annual satire issue for the first time since the early 2000s. She also spent time as a copy reader, science and technology staff writer, and campus news desk editor for The Aggie, as well as spending one summer interning for The Sacramento Bee, and another as a news anchor for Nevada County Now. And yes — she has made the viral Olympic Village muffin recipe. And they were delicious.


Sonora has a bachelor's degree in managerial economics and professional writing from UC Davis.
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Stories By Sonora Slater