9 Cocktail Recipes For Valentine's Day

While the world may be celebrating Valentine's Day with a glass of wine or bubbly, we prefer to toast our loved ones with a cocktail (or three). Of course, that can often mean bright pink or red cocktails that are nearly as sugary sweet as the chocolaty dessert they're paired with. Fortunately, we've found some more classic cocktail takes on the cheesy Valentine's Day cocktail — but don't worry, we've found the good bright pink or red cocktails, too, just in case those hit your fancy. 


So where has the cocktail Cupid struck us with his arrow? We're mad for the Manhattan variation from the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore, and we always love a good punch — especially when it can be shared with the person across the table. Another cocktail meant to be shared for two? The Adam and Eve cocktail, a bourbon drink that's the equivalent of his and hers matching towels. (Try making it together for a romantic, interactive date.)

But let's not forget that on Valentine's Day, not everyone is sipping a cocktail across from a loved one. We have the perfect cocktail for your Single's Awareness Day celebrations — and one girl-power drink for those looking to wipe away the tears. Whether or not you're in love with someone special this Valentine's Day, we can all agree that we love a good cocktail.  


The Adam and Eve Cocktail

The Seduction Cocktail

The Lover's Punch for Two

The Love Bird Cocktail

The Strawberries and Cream Cocktail

The Chocolate Kiss Cocktail

The Mad-hatten

The Beer Kir for the Broken Heart

The Dream Girl Cocktail

