8 Tips For Breakfast Tailgating (Slideshow)

Portable griddles, grills, and waffle-makers will make your breakfast tailgate a success. The griddles are perfect for cooking eggs, bacon, and other breakfast items all at once to minimize your cooking time. If you are creating a buffet, make sure you pack aluminum trays and Sternos to keep your breakfast treats warms. Most importantly, don't forget to bring extension cords, portable generators, and portable outlets as well. You don't want to bring the equipment and have nothing to plug it into.


What to Make

One option for a morning tailgate is cooking up the ultimate breakfast sandwich. Try using pancakes as a great alternative to buns. This way you can use one hand to eat and the other to cheer, play tailgating games, or whatever tickles your fancy. If you are looking to skip the process of making traditional breakfast foods at your tailgate, you can always turn to sweets. Try making donuts or croissants


Breakfast Drinking

Just because it is early, doesn't mean you can't drink at your tailgate. While it may be too early for beer, you can enjoy an Irish coffee, alcoholic hot chocolate, or even mimosas to get the party started. These beverages are easier on the stomach and will get you to where you need to be without pounding back beers at 11 in the morning.


Show Off Your Pride

This tailgate is for your team, so use your creative input to decorate your party however you want. Use your team's colors to color the eggs or the drinks. Utilize your love for the game to stand out from the other breakfast tailgaters. Wear your jerseys, paint your faces, play the team's theme song — show off who you are cheering for in every way possible. Team spirit is key!


Inflatables Are Your Friend

If you decide to go the traditional breakfast route, you're going to need a place to eat your meal. With all the things you are bringing for your tailgate, there needs to be a lot of room. Minimize space taken up by switching to inflatable items. This way they can be taken down with ease and set up in minimal time. This keeps things light and easy and you don't have to worry about breaking anything.


Be Comfortable

Usually, that early in the morning the weather is going to be a little brisk, so pack accordingly. Warm yourself with official team Snuggies, hot chocolate, gloves, a portable heater, and whatever it takes to keep the cold out and the fun in. As the day goes on, the temperature could change drastically, so check your local weather service before you leave. It's always good to pack extra sweatshirts and keep them handy.


Keep Condiments Handy

Breakfast condiments can be the last thing on your mind when preparing for a tailgate. The best thing to do is to keep a designated box for all of your condiments. Keep it all in one place and store extra salt, pepper, ketchup, syrup, or whatever makes breakfast that much better.


Pack Refreshers

Even though you show up for breakfast you will probably be tailgating for most of the day. As the day goes on, face paint can fade and jerseys can get food on them, so be mindful and pack for the occasion. You want to make sure you look crisp the entire day without wear and tear.


