5 Reasons To Eat Cereal For Dinner

It is Light

If you've spent the day running around like a nut and arrive home late, cooking dinner can feel completely unmanageable when all you want to do is sink into a comfy seat and put your feet up. Pouring yourself a bowl of cereal may seem like a sad dinner option, but can actually be a great option. In truth, if you're heading to bed shortly after your dinner (which, by the way, you shouldn't do) a bowl of cereal is a light way to satiate yourself without over doing it.

Cereal For Dinner

Easy Cleanup

If you don't feel like spending a ton of time cleaning up, a simple bowl of cereal won't require much clean up at all.

Cereal For Dinner

It Has Vitamins and Minerals

If you choose your cereal wisely, meaning ones with no added sugar, it can deliver a good dose of vitamins and minerals. In whole grain cereal, you can get dietary fiber, B vitamins, minerals, protein, and more.

Cereal For Dinner
Cereal For Dinner

You Can Dress It Up

Have a thing for fresh strawberries or blueberries? Adding fruit to low-sugar cereal can add sweetness and texture to an otherwise plain cereal.

Cereal For Dinner
Cereal For Dinner

It's Cheap

You don't need to spend a fortune on hefty, unhealthy take out. And you get instant gratification for a lot less money.

Cereal For Dinner