6 Sweet And Savory Zucchini Recipes
As fall inevitably approaches, it's time to take full advantage of summer's best produce. From cherry tomatoes to corn on the cob, summer offers a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits with perhaps the most popular (and abundant) being the zucchini.
Utilized in Italian and French cuisine for pastas and ratatouille, zucchinis can be cooked in both sweet and savory ways. Zucchini's mild flavor combined with its edible seeds and skin also means that you can use the entire summer squash with minimal waste.
From zucchini bread to zucchini pie, this healthy ingredient can be cooked in endless ways. In order to make full use of this summer's zucchini bounty, here are some delicious and unique twists on zucchini dishes to try out.
Chocolate Zucchini Bread Pudding
A sweet and rich treat, this chocolatey bread pudding is the perfect summer dessert.
Zucchini and Golden Raisin Muffins
A delicious morning meal, these muffins will help you start the day right.
Combining eggs and zucchini creates the perfect lunch or breakfast treat for a warm summer day.
This recipe will help those first time zucchini-bread makers create a perfect loaf without a hitch.
This zucchini dish is filled with delicious ricotta cheese to make a complete summer meal.
Fusilli Salad with Grilled Chicken and Zucchini
A perfect summer entrée, this light and refreshing pasta salad is a great outdoor dish.