5 Best Carb-On-Carb Recipes
Banana Pancakes. What's your favorite way to top super-starchy pancakes studded with carbohydrate-loaded bananas? More carbs (like maple syrup)? Us too.
(Credit: Flickr/Jamie McCaffrey)
Macaroni and Cheese Pizza. The person who decided to take a slice of pizza, top it with gooey macaroni and cheese, and bake it in the oven until golden brown and delicious, might just be a genius.
(Credit: Flickr/Megan Myers)
Rice Krispie Treats. You know a recipe is going to be good when two of the three ingredients required to make it (Rice Krispies cereal and marshmallows) are carbs. Want to make it carb-on-carb-on-carb? Throw some sugar-loaded milk chocolate chips into the mix!
(Credit: Flickr/stu_spivak)
Tortilla Espanola Bocadillo. Perfect for when you need a carb-on-carb breakfast on the go, tortilla Espanola (an omelet made with potatoes and fried in oil) is even better when it's stuffed between two slices of bread or a roll.
(Credit: Flickr/Ron Dollete)
Pierogi. Potato-filled pasta. Enough said.
(Credit: Flickr/Michela Simoncini)
Kristie Collado is The Daily Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.