13 Cheap Aldi Breakfast Items That Will Save You Money

Breakfast might get touted as the most important meal of the day, but it can be hard to get excited if you're breaking the bank before you even have your morning coffee. And it's not even just bad jokes about avocado toast anymore: Staples like eggs are up 184% in price from last year, while the cost of farm-level fruit is expected to rise 12% by the end of 2025, per the USDA. This can make it harder than ever to cobble together a very simple morning meal without going over budget.

However, you might not have to scrimp and save just to enjoy a decent breakfast. As usual, there's a good chance you can get all the morning necessities you need for less at Aldi. We did the research to see which products were better priced at the discount grocer, based on pricing seen in the New York City area. In some cases, there are even name brands that go for a lot less than they do elsewhere. Here are a few items that will help you save money on your breakfast compared to shopping at other major grocery chains.

1. Breakfast Best Sausage & Gravy Breakfast Bowl

Some mornings, you wake up so hungry that nothing but a hearty breakfast will do. Unfortunately, all that time-consuming prep can prove a little difficult if you're in a rush to make it to work on time. That's where a premade breakfast bowl from the freezer section can come in handy. A 7-ounce Jimmy Dean Sausage and Gravy Bowl provides instant gratification, complete with pork and chicken sausage, eggs, potatoes, and cheddar cheese. You can even grab one for $3.50 from Dollar General.

But if you're looking to save money as well as time, you might want to hold off on your purchase until your next Aldi run. Surprisingly, the grocery chain has the discount store beat on price for a practically identical sausage and gravy breakfast bowl from its freezer section. Boasting 18 grams of protein compared to the 17 grams in Jimmy Dean's version, Breakfast Best's sausage & gravy bowl will run you just $2.05 for the same serving size. This comes out to a $1.45 in savings, or 41% less overall. Consider this the next time you want to save money on going to a restaurant for breakfast, too!

2. Brekki Ready-to-Eat Oats

Overnight oats can be one of the most satisfying and healthy breakfast foods out there. After all, they're simple to prepare and provide a great source of fiber first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, that "overnight" part of the equation can elude some people who forget to prep their breakfasts for the week. And unless you have the time to stand by the stove and work on making those steel cut oats in the morning, it can create a bit of a mealtime emergency. 

This is where store-bought versions can come in super handy. Brands like Mush Overnight Oats are available in multiple flavors and fulfill the necessary convenience factor for a quick breakfast. Typically, these run for about $3.19 at major stores like Target. But if you're willing to shop at Aldi, you can grab the same sized serving cup of Brekki brand overnight oats for just $2.09, and they're really tasty! This can especially add up if you're stocking up for an entire week's worth of easy breakfasts.

3. Pop-Tarts

It doesn't matter how old you are or what level your kitchen skills are at: When the craving for a toaster pastry hits, there's basically no option but to go store-bought, and Pop Tarts has plenty of amazing flavors to which to choose. The delightful little squares come together in about a minute if you want them warm — but you can even enjoy them au natural straight out of the packaging. Besides being a nostalgic treat, there's also no denying that toaster pastries are some of the most portable forms of breakfast available on the market.

Fortunately, you also won't normally have to spend too much on them. A 12-pack of Pop Tarts runs for around $4.79 for a 12-pack at Target, which comes out to about $0.40 per pastry. But in this case, Aldi carries this name brand at an even lower cost. If you shop there instead, you'll spend just $4.35, which is a savings that can seriously add up over time. If you're less picky about needing the name-brand, you can also opt for Aldi's store brand Millville toaster tarts, which sell for even less at $2.15 for a 12-pack.

4. Breakfast Best Canadian Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Muffin Sandwiches

There's almost nothing out there that can beat a well-made breakfast sandwich, full stop. Something about the combination of eggs, cheese, and a crispy English muffin in handheld form just seems too good to pass up. But if you're still trying to make it out the door without having to whip up one for yourself, you can get the next best thing to homemade with a trip to the grocery store.

Jimmy Dean Canadian Bacon, Whole Cracked Egg, and Cheese English Muffin Sandwiches come stacked as advertised with all the requisite ingredients. A 4-pack of these microwaveable breakfast bites costs $6.49 at major grocers like HEB, and boast 15 grams of protein per serving. On the other hand, Aldi provides its own version to the name-brand sandwich with its Breakfast Best Canadian Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Muffin Sandwiches. With and identical set of ingredients, the dupe product sells for just $5.05 for a 4-pack at the discount grocer, racking you up a savings of $1.44 per box.

5. Millville Instant Oatmeal Variety Pack

What's not to love about a warm bowl of oatmeal for breakfast? Besides being quick and easy to prepare, it's one of the easiest staples to customize into your own personal comfort dish. And of course, there's always the opportunity to dress it up with some fresh fruit, nuts, and more for some added early morning nutrition.

If you're shopping for packets of it at a traditional grocery store, you'll likely come across the Quaker Oats variety pack. These 10-count boxes come with three classic flavors (maple & brown sugar, cinnamon & spice, and apples & cinnamon) for roughly $3.99, which shakes out to $0.40 per packet. However, Aldi's in-house brand, Millville, sells a 10 pack of its own — made up of the same three flavors, no less — for just $1.95. You could put the $2.04 you save towards picking up some of your favorite toppings! Plus, this shelf stable breakfast item is great to stockpile in your pantry without the risk of it going stale quickly like cereal or granola.

6. Breakfast Best Homestyle Waffles

If you're a fan of sweet breakfasts, waffles are a top tier dish. Unfortunately, it can be hard to justify pulling out the waffle iron unless it's a leisurely Sunday or a special occasion. Instead of whipping up batter and making a mess in the kitchen, there is nothing wrong with opting for the easy way out with a box of one of the best frozen waffle brands. Plus, these premade versions tend to be pretty economical when it comes down to it!

On a quick run to Dollar General, you can pick up a 10-pack of Kellogg's Eggo Homestyle Waffles for just $3.50. But if you take your shopping list over to Aldi instead, you'll find that a 10-pack of its Breakfast Best Frozen Homestyle Waffles are priced at just $2.19. With this savings of $1.31, you could go all out on maple syrup and fresh berries to really ramp up your breakfast experience.

7. Honey Nut Cheerios

Let's be honest: It can be hard to go with anything but a name brand you know and love when shopping for cereal. And when it comes to this breakfast staple, it's hard to think of any selection as adored by parents and kids alike as Honey Nut Cheerios. From a toddler snack to a relatively hearty breakfast where preparation only requires adding a splash of milk, it ticks more than enough boxes to earn it a spot in your pantry.

As the iconic breakfast item it is, Honey Nut Cheerios is arguably one of the easiest cereals to find in practically any grocery store, no matter how big or small it is. Those shopping at Walmart can get their hands on a 15.4-ounce box for $6.95, which factors out to $0.45 per ounce. However, the cereal is so ubiquitous that you can also find it in Aldi — where the same sized box is priced at just $4.45. The $2.50 in savings is a clear-cut win for a product you likely know and love!

8. Season's Choice Hash Brown Patties

Even if you're a pro at preparing breakfast at home, a crispy, golden hash brown is the kind of breakfast item you're not likely to whip up on your own very often. Instead, these early morning treats usually come in the form of a trip to a fast food counter or brunch restaurant. But if you've ever wanted to cut the middleman out of the equation, all you need is a run to the freezer section of your local grocery store.

Ore Ida is one of the more notable brands that makes these delicious shredded potato patties an at-home option. You can pick up a 10-pack from a major grocery store for $6.99, working out to $.70 per hash brown. But perhaps unsurprisingly, you can get an even better deal on the same product at Aldi: Not only do you get twice as many patties as a 20-pack, but it only costs $5.49. 

9. Appleton Farms Sliced Bacon

Whether it's served as a side to your plate of scrambled eggs or working its way onto your homemade morning sandwich, there's no doubt that bacon brings breakfast to another level. Those thin slices of pork provide a flavor and texture that's nearly impossible to achieve with any kind of substitute. Typically, this comes at a cost as it's not always the cheapest addition to the table. But if you're looking for a little economic relief, you might want to turn to Aldi when it comes time to literally bring home the bacon.

Aldi's store-brand, Appleton Farms, sliced bacon is priced at $4.39 for a 1-pound package. If you're running through Target's grocery section, you might come across the classic Oscar Meyer Hardwood Smoked Bacon. Here, the 1-pound pack is priced at $7.99 (or $.50 per ounce). At just $.27 an ounce — or nearly half off — you can more than justify your purchase at Aldi over the name-brand version.

10. Nature's Nectar Orange Juice

Breakfast isn't just about what's on your plate: What's in your cup is important, too. Besides coffee, there's no morning beverage that's quite as fitting as a good glass of orange juice. Next to milk, it's one of the more common breakfast drink staples that tends to make its way into your shopping cart. And if you're grabbing it from Aldi instead of other grocers, you could wind up paying less at checkout.

A 52-ounce bottle of Aldi's store-brand Nature's Nectar Premium Orange Juice with No Pulp sells for $4.15. Compare that to the popular name brand Simply Orange, which runs $4.99 at Target for the same size bottle. That works out to a price advantage of $.02 per ounce in Aldi's favor. It's just another example of how the discount grocer can save you money on breakfast items alone.

11. Elevation Protein Meal Bars

In terms of a quick and easy breakfast on the go, it's hard to beat a protein meal bar. They're the one thing you can slip into your gym bag, nibble on in traffic, or munch on at your desk — especially if you're running low on time or want to hit your daily protein intake goals. However, the market is positively flooded with options that can cost quite a bit for how lousy they taste. That's where grabbing a box from Aldi can help.

One example of possible savings is comparing the item with Quest Nutrition Hero Protein Bars. These bars boast 18 grams per serving, with a 4-pack box running for $11.29 at Target. On the other hand, Aldi has its own Elevation Protein Meal Bars, which not only cost $6.25 but also come six to a box. The stark price difference makes it easier to pick up as many as you'll need for the week without going over budget.

12. Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Sometimes, your nostalgic cravings get the best of you. Other times, you're shopping for kids who might appreciate a bowl of deliciously sweet cereal from time to time. Whatever the reason, Cinnamon Toast Crunch remains a beloved classic for all of its glittering, sugary goodness, and deserves an occasional spot on your shopping list. Normally, making yourself a bowl is also another way to save time in the morning. In some cases, you could pock up a "Large Size" box from your local grocery store for $5.99.

However, you'll spend even less if you're shopping at Aldi. You can grab the same 16.8-ounce box there for $4.85. At a unit cost of $0.28 versus $0.36, you're saving a decent amount of money. And when it comes to shopping for name brands available at the discount retailer, there isn't even a question of the quality matching up to your expectations. Work this one into your rotation if you're a real cereal killer.

13. Friendly Farms Greek yogurt cups

You really have to hand it to Greek yogurt. Like oatmeal, it's a super versatile base food that you can dress up with your favorite fruits or toppings for an added nutritional boost in the morning. But it's also a sneakily easy way to work in a decent amount of protein to your first meal of the day. There are plenty of places to purchase this staple thanks to its popularity. At some major grocery stores, brands like Dannon Light + Fit offer a Fat Free Toasted Coconut Vanilla Greek Yogurt sell for $5.49 for a 4-cup pack.

But as you might've guessed, Aldi carries a nearly identical product for much less. The store's Friendly Farms Toasted Coconut Vanilla whole milk Greek yogurt is in the cooler for $2.85 for a 4-pack. At $0.71 per cup, that makes the Aldi option $.66 cheaper per unit and a great way to save some money on your grocery bill.