Aldi Shoppers Are Bewitched By These Absolutely Massive Grapes

Aldi is known for getting its shoppers excited about new and amazing products. That's one reason why the Aldi Finds section of the store is so popular, but other places in the store have some eye-widening products as well. Case in point: the Autumn Crisp grapes that are actually bigger than some people's eyes! 

Customers on social media have been shocked by the large size of these grapes. One Reddit poster said "I've never seen grapes this big," which came with photos of the grapes next to an egg and a spoon for size comparison. (The grapes are about half the size of the egg and about the same size as the spoon.) On Facebook, users rave about how crunchy, juicy, and delicious the grapes are, with some saying that Autumn Crisp grapes are their favorite type. Users on TikTok have leaned into the ASMR of it all, posting videos of the crispy snap of the flesh when customers bite into one. 

Some fans of the grapes have been waiting for their return since last year. Since Aldi sources its food, especially its produce, from local farmers so that the items are fresh and in season, you may get lucky to find Autumn Crisp grapes in your local store right around now, too.

What is an Autumn Crisp grape?

The Autumn Crisp grape (technically trademarked at AUTUMNCRISP) is different from the fan-favorite cotton candy grapes that Aldi released frozen. Also known as Sugra35 and Sugrathirtyfive, the Autumn Crisp variety is a crossbreed patented by Sun World International in the 1980s but not produced commercially until 2012, once the cultivation had been perfected. That's why some people may just be seeing them for the first time.

This seedless green grape grows in November and December in the United States, outside the regular August-to-October season for most grapes. Because of its crossbred nature, the Autumn Crisp plant produces large-sized grapes with dense flesh that's very firm and bursting with juice. The flavor is sweet with a hint of muscat (one of the grapes used to create it) and musky undertones. It also has notes of citrus, peach, and rose. On the nutrition side, Autumn Crisp grapes are a great source of antioxidants, and just 1 cup contains 20% of your daily recommended vitamin C and 30% of the recommended vitamin K.

While some customers have reported that this year's selection of Autumn Crisp grapes isn't as sweet as previous years, virtually everyone agrees that the crisp skin and juicy fruit still make them quite snackable. Because the growing season is November and December in the United States, the grapes are most typically available in stores between January and April, so make sure you try them before they're gone for another whole year.