How To Tell If A Butternut Squash Is Ripe And Ready

If you're reading this at the grocery store next to a pile of butternut squash and are unsure if any are ready to cook with tonight, you've come to the right place. Butternut squash can all look the same from afar, but once you get up close, you can tell right away which ones are ready.

First things first, take a look — butternut squash should have dark beige skin with a matte quality. It shouldn't be shiny and there should be no discolorations. Eye that stem, too. If it's green or moldy, leave it there. If it's brown and dry, it should be good to go. Next, pick it up. Is it heavier than it looks? If yes, that's a good sign! If it's lighter than expected, it's either underdeveloped or dehydrated, and neither makes a good meal. How does the skin feel? If it's firm and your fingernail doesn't leave a dent, that's a good sign. Now listen — give your squash a soft knock. If it sounds hollow, it's ready to take home.

Delicious ways to use and store butternut squash

Now that you have your ripe butternut squash at home, if stored properly, it can last for quite a while! It can keep at room temperature for about a month if it's dry, away from sunlight, and away from other fruits and veggies. You can also prep it by cutting it up and then wrapping it tightly in foil or plastic wrap. This will keep in the fridge for about a week. If you want to keep that ripe butternut squash for up to 8 months, you can blanch cubed squash for 2 to 3 minutes followed by an ice bath to preserve texture and flavor. Then, simply place it in the freezer in freezer-safe bags.

Once you pull it out of the freezer, you'll want to follow our guide for the right way to roast frozen butternut squash so you get a delicious, crispy outside. If you don't want to wait and you're as ready as the squash, it goes great in blended soups and salads and is a great roasted side dish. For a full fall experience, you could make a roasted butternut squash and apple soup. If you're looking to impress some guests, butternut squash ravioli is delicious! However you choose to cook it, you can be assured that with the above tips, your squash is ripe and ready to eat!