The Simple Trick For Preventing Leaky Tacos

Picture this — you're tucking in to eat a delicious taco on any given Tuesday. You have all the right ingredients just waiting to drive you to Tasty Town via a crunchy taco shell. You assume the position — head tilted, mouth open — take a bite, and the tortilla breaks, leaving you shell-shocked, dealing with a guacamole, salsa, and bean mess all over your plate.

You may wonder why you bother eating tacos the usual way. Why not just surrender and break up the shells for nachos instead? Not so fast. We have a way to lessen the mess when eating tacos that you may not have thought of.

Most people shred the lettuce before adding it to the taco. However, if you leave the lettuce intact, you can line the shell with the leaf to reinforce it. It's like an insurance policy against wearing your dinner on your T-shirt while using an ingredient you already add to your tacos.

A mess-free meal

There's a method to building a taco using this hack. After you've lined your taco shell with a lettuce leaf, add the heaviest ingredient next. This will keep the lettuce from moving as you assemble the rest of the taco. Top it with some fresh and delicious taco fillings, and you're ready to sit down to a mess-free meal. 

You can use any lettuce you like for this trick, but keep one tip in mind: the broader the leaf, the better the coverage. Iceberg or butter lettuce are good choices, but any wide-leaf green will work. If you're looking to up the nutrition of your tacos, consider using a collard leaf.

Whether it's an ordinary Tuesday or a Dia de Los Muertos party, you'll want to share this taco trick with friends. The next time tacos are on your party menu, they will be amazed by your clever hack. You just may become the taco-the-town!