For Way Better Boxed Stuffing, Consider Some Sweet Additions

Some might say stuffing out of the box can't be beat. It's simple, quick, and delivers that iconic savory flavor. It's the dish that every Thanksgiving table has to have — and whether you like it or not, you probably have a go-to box stuffing mix. Although the combination of celery, onions, and bread is a staple, adding in fruit for a sweeter take might just be the upgrade your boxed stuffing needs. And if making stuffing from scratch isn't your thing, you might want to consider trying this tip.


There are the classic mixins like nuts, sausage, or spinach, but mixing fresh or dried fruit brings a sweetness component that ultimately balances out the salty savoriness. With bread being a main ingredient in boxed stuffing, it can get heavy and dense and sometimes lack texture. Fresh or dried fruit can play a big part in adding contrast to the beige on your plate both texturally and visually.

Fruit brings flavor and texture

There are a few options for bringing sweetness to your boxed stuffing. First, identify if you want to use fresh or dried fruit. Both are great options but will offer a different vibe depending on which one you select. When deciding what fresh fruit to add, opt for apples or pears. Freshly chopped apples or pears should be cooked before adding to your boxed stuffing — this helps remove excess moisture and will keep your stuffing from getting too soggy. Tossing them in a pan with butter and sautéing the apple and pear pieces until tender will do the trick.


For dried fruits, cranberries or cherries will bring a sweet-tart taste and can be mixed in normally while preparing your boxed stuffing. The bright pop of color from cranberries and cherries is perfect for amping up the appearance, and the chewiness of the dried fruit will provide the soft stuffing with a much-needed textural contrast.

